news — Meccore String Quartet



The latest album, “Souvenir de Posen,” emerges as a remarkable collaboration between the Meccore String Quartet and the Prelude Classics label. This album reflects the profound works of two Polish composers from the turn of the 20th century. It features Ignacy Jan Paderewski's “Variations and Fugue,” marking its world phonographic premiere, alongside a seldom-performed String Quartet in A minor by Józef Wieniawski, the brother of the renowned violin virtuoso.

The initiative for this project coincides with the 100th anniversary of Paderewski's honorary doctorate from the University of Poznan, occurring in 2024. A distinctive aspect of the recording is the inclusion of an 1846 Ch.F. Gand violin, one of Henryk Wieniawski's own instruments. Provided by the Museum of Musical Instruments in Poznań, a collaborator for the project, this historic masterpiece contributes a unique period sound, enriching the album's overall depth.

The premiere of this album represents a significant milestone in the history of the Meccore String Quartet, inviting audiences to join in the celebration. The album is available in SACD quality.


Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Musical Trace" program, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance


Stefan Kisielewski (1911-1991), Konstanty Régamey (1907-1982) and Roman Palester (1907-1989) belonged to one generation of composers. In addition to music, all three had an excellent wield of the pen and all loved Paris, where they had spent considerable time before the war pursuing a more thorough education. They are among the most important Polish Parisian musical émigrés of the 20th century. They expressed a deep love of freedom with their attitude. For each of them, the idea of freedom, equality and brotherhood meant at the same time a profound disagreement with the Soviet oppression of Poland after 1945. Their free, independent voice can also be heard in their music.

The three string quartets recorded by the Meccore String Quartet share a neoclassical trait. In each of the quartets, however, this feature acquires a different, individual face. Lightness of melodic invention, original harmonics, fluent narration as well as transparent texture and clear formal structure - these are the features which best reflect the character of Kisielewski's youthful String Quartet. Palester's one-movement String Quartet No. 2, characterised by dense polyphonic textures, supple melodic lines of nostalgic expression and emotional intensity, ranks as one of the most outstanding works of this genre in 20th-century Polish music. Régamey's Quatuor à cordes, on the other hand, is thoroughly modern music, full of solemnity, objective in expression and extremely focused.

The Meccore String Quartet's interpretations of works by Kisielewski, Palester and Régamey have received numerous awards (including a nomination for the Coryphaeus of Polish Music). The album Paris Polonais (recorded by Katarzyna Rakowiecka-Rojsza) is therefore a guarantee of great music in an excellent performance.

MSQ in Madrid

The Meccore String Quartet will perform twice in the Spanish capital in November. The concerts, organised by the Teatro Real, will take place in the beautiful interiors of the Museo del Prado and the Royal National Opera. The programme of the two chamber recitals will feature works by leading Polish composers Karol Szymanowski, Witold Lutosławski and Krzysztof Penderecki. This celebration of Polish music in the Spanish capital coincides with the celebrations of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Maestro Krzysztof Penderecki and has been planned as an event to accompany the premiere of the concert version of Stanisław Moniuszko's Halka presented at the Madrid National Opera.

22.11. Madrid - Museo del Prado



23.11. Madrid - Teatro Real


Meccore String Quartet's latest release is dedicated to the chamber works of the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki, who died in 2020. It is a recording of his most outstanding works intended for string quartet, string trio and string ensemble accompanied by clarinet, with guest appearance of Jan Jakub Bokun.

From youthful rebellion and sonoristic experimentation, the music leads us to neo-romanticism, saturated with extreme emotions. Between these two poles stretches the sublime sound world of the recorded works, which, according to critics and musicologists, represent a milestone in the development of modern chamber music. Maestro Penderecki symbolically stands side by side with the greatest creators of this genre, such as Haydn, Beethoven, and Bartók.

The Meccore String Quartet has had the honor of working with Krzysztof Penderecki on the occasion of performing his works. Particularly noteworthy was the time of preparations for the Austrian premiere of String Quartet No. 3 "Leaves from an Unwritten Diary". Communing with the composer's genius, his valuable comments, sensitivity and attention to maintaining the highest standards in the approach to music, has forever left its mark on the ensemble.

The space in which the Meccore String Quartet recording was made is also not without significance. The Krzysztof Penderecki’s European Centre For Music in Luslawice, opus magnum of the Master, has become an integral part of the project, ideologically complementing the latest release of the Polish ensemble, which is a tribute to the outstanding artist.

The album with a set of Krzysztof Penderecki's chamber works, released on the 90th anniversary of the composer's birth is released in the catalog of the Austrian label Capriccio.

Five concerts at Delft Chamber Music Festival

“The Meccore String Quartet put their heart and soul into this gripping performance.”

During this festival I have become a fan of the Meccore Quartet, only because of the superb quality of their performances. The frequent eye contact between them, the occasional smile exchanged, for me in any case, make a huge difference – they truly love playing together. Catch them wherever you can.”

Astrid Burchardt, ARTS TALK MAGAZINE